In this together
Footprints in the Sand Poem
The Lord Said “My precious, precious child. I love you and would never leave you. During your trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was when I carried you.”
There comes a time in every person’s journey where there exists a time to stand up and speak. I have listened and I have waited for the right time to speak. I listened to concerns, I have watched people struggle, I have comforted those crying. It is time.
I was born to be a nurse. I have an internal drive (GOD) to support the success of the human race. I became a nurse because I wanted to support opportunities for a greater future for people. My support is aimed for the patients, for the people with whom I work, and the general public. Quality of Life!
Coronavirus has proven the presence of physical and spiritual warfare. We are fighting so many battles we can’t see straight.
I have seen so many signs of love in the community it is beautiful. We have been catered to many times at work. I had a friend tell me she was applauded at the market. Keep momentum supporting. An amusing factor in all of this is that being the year of the nurse the steps we are taking backwards is just amazing. The structure is changing and the idea of nursing has returned back to the beginning—Keep the patients alive. One treatment may not be the same as another but at the end of the day those who, by our standards, is alive that should be alive.
Here is a bit of a rant
This is a stressful time, no doubt. We are all stressed. There are times I fall asleep and pray there is a complete change in the world in the morning only to wake in emotional pain to reality. Sometimes I find it harder for someone to ask “how are you doing” versus saying outright “this is absolute crap!” Find ways to claim the small victories. My kiddos keep me laughing. Keep positivity close to your heart.
Stop watching so much dang news! There is so much conflicting information. While the news can be helpful however telling me that 1400 people died tells me little. Tell me what's working or not. Tell me that the ones taking care of the deceased are protected so this isn’t a larger problem. Take the time to know RELIABLE sources of updates. They can lead to truth.
Masks are good. Masks are our friends. Give your reusable mask a friendly name to attach positivity instead of fear. Protect yourselves and everyone else. It is still not the time to go out and co-mingle. This disease is still spreading like wildfire and we are still finding proper treatments. Not only looking for current treatments we are not 100% sure what long lasting effect this will have on those who survive.
I appreciate all these CEO’s of major corporations giving up one month or more of their salary. There is oftentimes a true heart of support for others in this gesture. I am, on the other hand, shocked and bewildered about the imbalance. I have fellow nurse workers still making pennies in comparison to others because of the LACK of understanding of what nurses endure. Most Colorado nurses do not make enough money to stand on one leg and yet they are in the thrones of it all every day and night.
Money maintains my sense of security, as I understand it does for others. Remember, as this blows in our faces remember the evils in our lives. Money is just a thing. Do not let it become your master. Be responsible and do not let it control you.
Okay. I apologize in advance. There are things that can no longer be brushed under a rug.
Love must remain a constant through it all. I see it every day. I see it deep within my fellow nurses fighting to keep people alive. I see it in the steady methodical steps physicians take walking to see their patients. I see it in the pharmacist face expressing concerns about proper drugs for each treatment and I see it when they tell me there are soon going to be nation-wide issues with meds. I see it in the supply chain coordinators who are counting and placing what they can on our shelves. I hear it in the gratitude family members express when they call for updates. Most of all I see it in my family when they know it was just one day of work and this is not the end.
The devil is working hard. He is oppression. He is disease. He is the pressure wishing you lose hope. DO NOT LOSE HOPE! Joy comes in the morning. His name is Jesus!