Happiest of New Year to All

I love this time of year. It is the time to reflect and prepare for ongoing growth.

As I took time to reflect on events of the past couple of years in relation to my current path, I had a thought. I thought about how we all need to move forward in whatever path we are on. Something commonly seems to hold us back. I had a revelation of permission.

We need to give ourselves permission to move forward. It seems like a silly and a less important idea to consider but it is vital to our healing. The ability to heal and move forward is a beautiful acceptance to who we were yesterday, who we are today, and who we want to be in the future. Accepting our nature is accepting pure individual truth. It is full of revelations.

Embrace yourself this new year. Give yourself that permission to be the best version of yourself. And, above all else, love yourself every step of the way. Your path is beautiful for you.



Butterfly in the Sky